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The Art of Salary Negotiation: "Upskilling for Success"​

Given today's competitive job market, #upskilling is critically important. Upskilling tasks involve either learning or improving an existing skill, which can help give you a boost in salary negotiation. Here are some key tips to use when upskilling to gain the most value:

  1. Identify the skills in demand: Staying up-to-date with the skills that are in demand is integral to staying competitive. Start by identifying the skills that are in high demand in your industry. This can be done through research or by talking to people in your network. This will give you an idea of what skills you should focus on to increase your value to employers.

  2. Take online courses or attend workshops: Gone are the days when you had to spend thousands of dollars to upskill or learn something new. There are many #freeonlinecourses and workshops available that can help you to develop relevant skills and practice them. Some courses may require payment, so budget accordingly.

  3. Learn from your colleagues: Your colleagues can be a great resource for learning new skills. Ask them to show you how to do something or shadow them on a project. This can also help to build relationships with your colleagues, which can be useful for salary negotiation.

  4. Volunteer for projects: This will help #recentgrads or someone trying to get into a new area, Volunteer to work on projects that require skills you want to learn. This will give you hands-on experience and show your employer that you are committed to your job and willing to learn new things.

  5. Attend conferences: Attending conferences and industry events can be a great way to learn about new trends and technologies in your industry. It can also be a great opportunity to network and meet industry leaders, hiring managers, and recruiters in your area of interest.

  6. Be proactive: Don't wait for your employer to offer training or upskilling opportunities. Be proactive and take the initiative to learn new skills on your own. Discuss with your immediate manager and express your interest in learning new skills and how it will enhance/add value to them

  7. Document your progress: Keep track of the skills you have learned and the projects you have worked on. This will help you to demonstrate your value to your employer during salary negotiations.

  8. Showcase your achievements: update and share your accomplishments, such as new certifications or learning with your professional network. Encourage fruitful collaboration with other professionals by initiating hobby projects and actively sharing valuable ideas and insights. This will help you stay on track, prove your expertise, and draw attention from potential recruiters.

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